Why Would Someone Hack Your Facebook Account?

Why Would Someone Hack Your Facebook Account

There are websites that offer to access Facebook accounts for you. Question is, why would you or someone else hack a Facebook account?

The well known reason is that people want to get back at someone else, and gaining access to their Facebook page is the best revenge in their eyes. After all, people nowadays make social media websites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram an extension of their own, real lives.

There are many ethical reasons, however, why somebody would want to hack a Facebook account. Here are a few of those reasons:

  • To regain access to a Facebook account
    This is what can only be called as a reverse hacking. Someone who has lost access to his or her Facebook account may want to regain it, and, after trying all the legitimate ways, they could decide to resort to hacking their own Facebook accounts so they can restore their own access. You could use websites like faceaccess.net to accomplish that.
  • To safeguard someone, like minor-aged children
    We do teach our children to respect privacy but, for parents, giving their children too much privacy can expose them to considerable risk. After all, predators like exploiters and pedophiles do use fake Facebook accounts to lure their targets into meeting them. Parents may want to stealthily gain access to their children’s accounts so they’ll know who they’re talking to.
  • For reasons of law enforcement
    With their mandates, law enforcement agencies could have the power to break into someone’s social media accounts as part of their investigation. There have been cases where a person has been implicated in a crime because of evidence found in their emails or social media accounts. Of course, this power is regulated by law and could require a warrant from a relevant court of law.


Of course, just to keep the discussion balanced, the more obvious reasons why someone would want to hack your Facebook account include:

  • To steal your credit info
    Some people use Facebook for business, and these people have undoubtedly linked their credit card info to their account so they can use it to manage their business Pages, or their clients.
  • To use your account for crime
    For some hackers, gaining access to one account is just the first step in the process. They will want to lure others and will now use your Facebook account to post phishing websites and other scams, destroying your reputation in the process.

Be responsible and be meticulous with your Facebook usage. Find out more at www.faceaccess.net

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